Privacy Policy

Student data

Students don’t create personal logins for Electricity Explained so we don’t hold any individual student data. We do collect aggregate data to understand how the site is being used, but we can’t and don’t identify any given student who uses the website.

Quiz data

Our quizzes are hosted on Google forms. We don’t collect individual names. If we give you access to the editable forms then you may choose to create your own copy and add a name field. It is then up to you to manage any personal data appropriately. We look at aggregate data for all users, but we can’t tell who has acccessed any given quiz at a student or school level.

Visiting our website

When you visit our website you can do so without submitting any personal data. We use Google Analytics, Squarespace Analytics and cookies to collect standard internet log information, such as traffic on the website, pages visited, and length of time spent on the website. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We don't make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website who are not yet Electricity Explained users.

If you want to you can disable cookies on your computer by following the instructions for your web browser. However, some features of the website may not work correctly if cookies are disabled. You can find more information about cookies at

Creating a profile

We won’t share any personal information about you with any other organisations for marketing or anything else.

We may look at profiles internally, because it helps us understand more about how we can encourage people to get the most out of Electricity Explained, and also at a macro level to understand how we might develop the product.

How we look after your data

We take the security of your personal data very seriously, and take every effort to protect it.  We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and password protection. Financial information is handled by Squarespace (our website builder) and Stripe (our payment processor) using their own proprietary software that we can’t modify.

Access to your personal information

You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to  We will ask you to provide proof of identity before releasing any information.

Changes to this privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review. This privacy policy was last updated on 14 March 2023.